increase participation rate

How to Increase Participation Rate at Your Event

Social Media

Have you ever been to an event where the speakers were boring, or the crowd was unengaged? It can be disappointing, especially if you know the content could be interesting but is just not being presented in an engaging way. This can be avoided by offering relevant information that people actually want to hear, and encouraging engagement with your audience members.

Offer relevant content and be available

When you’re planning your event, it’s important to think about the content that will be most helpful for attendees. Consider what people are hoping to find at your conference, and then make sure that information is available in a way that makes sense for them. If there are certain questions they might have, offer answers during the event or link out to external sources of information, so they can research further on their own time.

You should also consider offering multiple formats: written materials such as handouts or slideshows; video tutorials; live Q&As with speakers or panelists; webinars, the possibilities are endless! Just remember that the key here is relevance: if the content isn’t useful for someone’s needs or goals (or if it doesn’t meet their expectations), then no matter how well-crafted it may be otherwise (or even if it costs money), no one will use it because there would not be enough value added by doing so.”

Reward engagement

Rewards are a great way to get people involved in your event. They can be tangible or intangible, depending on what you’re looking for. For example:

  • Tangible rewards include prizes, discounts and free products. These types of rewards are usually offered as part of an incentive program that encourages participation and engagement during the event (for example, offering a discount on tickets if your team member completes training).
  • Intangible rewards include thank you notes, badges or certificates — these are given out at the end of an event as recognition for contributing to its success

. This can be especially effective if you give out a badge or certificate to the top contributors. For example, if you’re running an event to promote your company’s training program, giving out badges or certificates helps people feel like they’ve accomplished something — even if they didn’t attend the event itself.

Use notification triggers

Notification triggers are a great way to encourage people to engage with your event and content. They can be used in many ways, but the most common way is by emailing participants when they have something new waiting for them on the platform. For example, if someone has joined an event or completed a survey, they will get an email about it.

Notification triggers are also useful for reminding people about upcoming deadlines or tasks that need completing before an event begins (e.g., “remind me when registration opens”). This helps reduce confusion around which steps still need completing before an event takes place – especially if there are many steps involved!

Create social competitions

Social media competitions are a great way to encourage more people to attend your event and share their experiences. You can use social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter to create a competition, and then give away prizes for winners. While giving away prizes is important, it’s even more crucial that the prize is relevant to your event so that people will want it!

To make sure this happens, consider using hashtags when promoting these competitions online, this will help ensure they reach as many potential attendees as possible.

Ask for feedback

The best way to get feedback is by asking attendees to answer a few questions at the end of your event. You can ask them to rate their experience on a scale of 1-10, or you can write down their thoughts in a feedback form.

After you’ve collected all the responses, take some time to review them and identify any trends or common themes that emerge. If there are problems with what you’re doing, try fixing them next time!

Q&A sessions

What are the best ways to encourage participation?

The easiest way is by creating an environment where people feel comfortable asking questions. You can do this by using event engagement tools by Eventtia, that will allow you to create a simple poll that makes it easy for attendees to vote on their favorite questions.

You can also provide a way for people to submit their own questions during or after Q&A sessions–this gives everyone the chance to participate and ensures that no one’s voice goes unheard! Finally, if you have someone hosting or moderating these sessions (like myself!), make sure they’re prepared with answers in case something unexpected comes up!

Providing valuable information can increase participation rate at your event

Providing valuable information can increase participation rate at your event.

  • The value of the information should be clear. You need to clearly communicate the purpose and benefits of your event, as well as how attendees will benefit from attending it. If you’re hosting an event that provides a certificate for continuing education credits (CEUs), make sure that’s clear from the beginning!
  • The information should be relevant to the audience. If you’re hosting an industry specific conference on healthcare IT, don’t waste people’s time by talking about something unrelated like cloud computing or blockchain technology unless it somehow relates back specifically into healthcare IT in some way (like discussing how blockchain could impact patient privacy).
  • It needs to be easy for attendees to access this valuable content before and during registration, so they can decide whether they want their name on your list before registration closes (or even better yet, while registration is still open!).


We hope that this article has provided some valuable insights into how you can increase participation rate at your event. The key takeaway is that if you want people to attend, then you need to provide them with relevant information and rewards that they can use in their daily lives. You also need to be available when they have questions or concerns, so they feel comfortable reaching out to someone who knows what they’re talking about!